[Salon] The Kahanist Economics of Israel's Fanatical Finance Minister - Haaretz Editorial - Haaretz.com

Title: The Kahanist Economics of Israel's Fanatical Finance Minister - Haaretz Editorial - Haaretz.com
Putting aside the hypocrisy of so many Israelis who support repressive military occupation, but demand “democracy” and “meaningful” judicial oversight for themselves but not for Palestinians, and not to absolve guilt of so many Democrats for aiding and abetting this “War Criminal Enterprise” of illegal military occupation, nor to continue my denunciations of Trumpite/DeSantisite “Traditional Conservatives,” the so-called “New Right,” so eager for war against China they pretended to support a "minimal withdrawal” of U.S. forces from the Mideast to be redeployed to the Russian/Chinese perimeters, knowing the war with Iran which they yearn for will be carried out by Naval/Air Force attacks principally with no need for "boots on the ground;” but I share this for the principle that “ideas have consequences.” 

I’ve shared the major anti-democratic ideology/political/legal theory embedded in the writings of Willmoore Kendall and George Carey, where we know such “ideas” from their minds still “live” in the celebration we see of them by some here. And the propagation of these political ideas/ideology subliminally and directly, through extolling them as the “Traditional Conservatives” who are the precursors to Trumpism, and to whom we must turn to for the ideology we must govern ourselves by today. Which is an especially radically militaristic ideology promulgated by the so-called “New Right;” an ideology first put forward in the 1950’s to support U.S. segregation, and “police state” measures to suppress dissent. “Dissent” from the so-called “consensus” of 50% + 1, to which the 50% -1 must “obey.” 

And making clear that the formulators of such a “Democratic Fascist” state, the likes of Willmoore Kendall and Leo Strauss, to be joined later by Kendall’s collaborator in anti-rights aggression, George Carey, had the “right” to wage persistent “PsyWar,” political indoctrination in fact, against the American public to produce the "consensus” the Leaders demanded, as articulated in the ultra-militarism of other “New Right” (as they too billed themselves as) ideologists. Like James Burnham and Brent Bozell, and carried forward politically most prominently by Barry Goldwater until Reagan arrived (which to his credit, he retained enough of his earlier “liberalism,” of a kind defined, and denounced, by Willmoore Kendall, to be willing to negotiate arms control agreements with the Soviets which the Republicans would come along later and repudiate). 

So I’m sharing this as an example of the “Conservative Utopia” first sketched out for the U.S. post-WW II. It takes no imagination to know who our “Palestinians” were, and are, and how they were to be treated, as we saw it first hand in Jim Crow laws, as “laws” denying even a bare minimum of “equal rights under the law.” The “legal principle” most despised by Segregationists, and their “Traditional Conservative” supporters and allies. With Willmoore Kendall and George Carey as the principle architects of such a “legal regime” in their writings, I’ve now seen, who have been “resurrected” for a new generation of the “New Right.”  

That this repressive “Democratic Fascism” remains the ultimate objective of U.S. "Traditional Conservatives,” and their “think tanks,” with the Claremont Institute and Hillsdale College leading the charge, was and is seen in how the Trump and DeSantis administrations “govern,” It’s all there, in plain view, with suppression of free speech and freedom of thought paramount in this ideology, as seen in anti-BDS laws promoted by the Koch Network (as the Nietzschean libertarians they are) and the “right-revisionist history” they propagate. That right-wing Democrats have adopted these same ideas is proof of the power of ideas, when they bring political success with an already “right-radicalized” populace as Traditional Conservatives sought to bring about, and did. 


The Kahanist Economics of Israel's Fanatical Finance Minister - Haaretz Editorial - Haaretz.com

As a settler who advocates Jewish supremacy and is used to living like a lord among Palestinian subjects with no state, no citizenship, no protection and no rights in occupied territory under the army’s aegis, the very idea of an Arab Israeli citizen with equal rights is beyond the grasp of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

As a leader of the settlement enterprise – aka a national looting of lands under the auspices of the state of Israel – he doesn’t understand why a country needs to fund Arab municipalities. And as the Knesset representative of a gang of lawbreakers and an abettor of Jewish terror within the cabinet, he isn’t willing to have Israel bolster the impoverished Arab community and try to narrow the gaps with the Jewish community, preferring instead to harm or further neglect the community.

'Despicable and disappointing' that Netanyahu won't commit to obeying Supreme Court ruling


Effectively, Smotrich seeks to give Arab Israelis the same status as their Palestinian brethren in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. And he is abusing his power as finance minister to greatly worsen their situation and violate previous cabinet decisions and budgetary commitments. Now, he is refusing to transfer hundreds of millions of shekels that had been promised to Arab municipalities under the new five-year plan for the Arab community that starts this year. This plan is a continuation of the plan approved by one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s previous governments. Yet Smotrich has frozen an allocation of 300 million shekels to Arab municipalities and halted funding for higher education for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem (200 million shekels).

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel (Shas) is spearheading opposition to this attempt to treat Arab municipalities contemptuously. So is Haim Bibas, chairman of the Union of Local Authorities and a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, who has appealed to Netanyahu over the issue. The presidents of institutes of higher education in Jerusalem also sent a letter to Netanyahu this week warning about the effects of halting the plan, which has helped to increase the percentage of East Jerusalem students attending college in Israel and also spurred their integration into quality jobs in the city. The presidents charged that Smotrich is “abandoning young people to lives of ignorance, poverty, crime and terrorism.” But that’s exactly what Smotrich wants. Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel also opposes Smotrich’s Kahanist economics.

In the current climate, which is comfortable for Kahanists and their ilk, it’s not self-evident that anyone would vocally oppose cabinet members’ racist policies. The problem is that despite the opposition of ministers, university presidents, the Shin Bet security service, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, Bibas as well as National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi, Smotrich is apparently backed by Netanyahu on this issue. “I’m coordinated with the prime minister,” he said Tuesday. “I obtained his consent.”

Smotrich’s policy, with backing from Netanyahu, is a hate crime against Israeli Arabs. In fact, the entire Netanyahu government is a hate crime against all Israelis, and only toppling it will put an end to the disaster it is bringing down on the country.

The above article is Haaretz’s lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.

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